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The End is Nigh!

Hi Everyone!

This blog entry is actually being written by someone new today....her name is Samantha Green MA - that's right folks - I PASSED! I sat my written exam on the 22nd March and it didn't feel too bad but then I had to attend my oral defence on the 6th April which I was incredibly nervous about - basically my professors all sit in a line and quiz me on everything I've learnt over the last 2 years, covering a range of over 80 texts - EEK - it is safe to say my head was fit to bursting with random information by the time I got there and I'm pleased to say it went really well, I even managed to make them all laugh. I was told they were very impressed with the depth of my knowledge and were more than happy to award me my MA - whoop whoop! Now I can let all that information leak out of my ears and start looking for work....well not quite yet.. I still have another 2 weeks of classes, 2 essays to write and have to continue teaching so it's not all over quite yet but it sure has reduced in stress levels!  On the night of my exam I went out for a few drinks with Jasmine, Jordin, and Katie and my fellow 'almost graduated' student Jordin has got to know me very well in a short space of time - to celebrate my exam she brought me fresh baked organic bread! YUM YUM!

Obviously Joe lives pretty far away from my and my exam was midweek so he wasn't there to congratulate me, but he more than made up for it by calling the staff at my apartment complex and convincing them to go out and get me a balloon....he said he actually asked them to fill my apartment with balloons but they said this was the best they could do, amazing all the same :) 

I guess now I've told you the big event of the last 6 weeks I should back track in fill you in on the other things Randle and I have been up to. I'll admit it won't be that fun filled - 6 weeks of preparing for exams does not leave much time for fun - Randle now firmly believes my laptop and blue ring binder are actually parts of my anatomy. The poor guy has been slightly neglected recently so I will be making it up to him now I have more time and have been using treats as bribery so he doesn't hate me completely!

I mean it is still Randle so he's good, he got to come on Sunday Funday with me and the girls, he was waiting for some dropped Taco, forgetting that Jasmine doesn't share food :)

I suppose other than the MA exam the biggest bit of news was that I ran the Jacksonville Gate River Run 15km championship again in March. I still went along with the incredible Dana and the ASHA team but this time I roped Joe into it too, not only did I smash my time from last year - 1:34 down to 1:27, I even managed to come in a little a head of Joe the Ironman :) He tells me he was incredibly proud but that I shouldn't get used to it! HA! It was our first run together and as my 'gift' for Easter and for breaking my PR he has signed us up for my first ever 1/2 marathon in June so we will be running together again, we already seem to be getting competitive even just in training runs so the actual run should be interesting! The River Run was great fun but REALLY REALLY HOT as you can see from my very red face!

Another event repeated from last year was The Gainesville Hogs Man Pageant, yet again we donated our hard earned cash to the team, having to watch large men get semi naked all in a good cause, I mean, its a tough job but someone has to do it right? Jasmine, Madeline, Jasmine, Jordin and Katie all rose to the challenge and a lot of fun was had voting on Mr Brawny, Mr Rugby Wear, Mr Swim Wear and the overall Mr Rugby.

After my success at River Run I let myself be talked into a 10km race called The Trail of Payne, set out in the beautiful Payne's Prairie by Dana - Unfortunately it was proceeded by a huge thunder storm so it was WET and very humid, no PR was had - I blame the water logged shoes - but it was fun running through bogs and getting plastered with mud. I'd definitely like to try some more trail running though, its very different from road running that is for sure. Luckily we didn't run into any Water Moccasins or Gators in the huge puddles!

We might not have seen any gators that day but a few days later I went out onto the trail as I had an old friend from home visiting. I have known Jamie since I was 17 and haven't seen him since 2009 when we randomly ended up being in Laos at the same time and managed to meet up for a few days Asian adventure together. Him and his lovely girlfriend Anna were on a little road trip of Florida, Georgia and NC so managed to swing by and see me which was great, Anna is German so learnt some new funny terms and I managed to give her and Jamie a good holiday treat by seeing this guy totally in the wild and extremely close up....

I must admit most of my time this month has been dedicated to studying and running, I am well and truly hooked so I apologise in advance for being one of those people who talks about their latest run/work out achievement - this is me yet again getting beaten by the inspiring Rick - we got a random soaking with a welcome April shower at our recent training run - although now the weather is heating up quickly I'm wondering whether the desire to run will soon be wearing off!

That brings us nicely up to present day - as my exam was mid week and couldn't really let off steam the bigger celebration was to be had this weekend,  I headed down to the best part of Florida, the South, to visit Joe and to have a joint celebration of me passing my MA and his birthday, oh that and his Yorkshire terrier P.J reaching the impressive age of 14!

He collected my from out usual spot and we went to try out cross fit together - it was really tough but a lot of fun, I can see why people like it.

The next day we got up early, took the birthday boy for a good breakfast, mimosas and all...

We then packed up the boat and set out on the water for the day - the best way to spend a weekend when you live in Florida!  Joe's sister Kristen, her husband Tommy and their 2 girls, Reagan and Riley came along too. It was 11 month old Riley's first trip on a boat - she took to it like a duck to water....only small problem was that when we anchored up at an island so we could eat lunch and swim she decided the best way to enjoy the sand was to eat it!

We found a swing that had been set up so Reagan and I had some fun on that whilst Joe borrowed a Kayak from a little boy that was fishing on the shore and went for a solo paddle. Joe also bought his drone along and managed to fly it off the prow of the boat, flying it over some other boats that were on the water. It was a great day, that and horse riding really are my favourite ways to spend time in Florida and will definitely be the thing I miss most when it is time to leave.

Oh and yay - I found more postbox porn!! Check these out.....

Now another weekend is over and I'm heading back to Gainesville for the very last stretch. I will be celebrating the end of the semester with a trip to New Orleans with some friends, my graduation ceremony is on the 1st of May and then it is officially all over - you will hear all about it in my next post and I'll fill you all in on what is coming up next for Mr. Randle and myself - I'm sure whatever it is we will attempt to keep you all updated and entertained as always. 

As always

Love and Slobbers

Me and him


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