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All Wrapped Up!

Happy New year everyone! Randle and I want to say welcome to 2016!

I'd like to start by pointing out it has been less than a month since my last blog post! One of my New Year's Resolutions is to be better at keeping this thing up to date (the others are to graduate, get a visa extension and run a half marathon so if I can't keep this one I'm pretty sure the others are buggered before I even start :))

Anyways lets look lively and get this show on the road! I left you previously with me grading exams by the pool trying to get in the Christmas spirit when its 90 degrees out (about 35 to my Europeans), 

With the help mum, Joey and alcohol we did a pretty good job of it. 

There was tree decoration (with wine)

there was cider mulling (with rum and vodka)

 there was homemade gift creating - Both baking and Mini Madel resurfaced for a short while (with more wine)

and finally there was gift (and Randle) wrapping - (with gin and yet more wine)

Even Randle and his new buddy P.J the 13 year old blind and diabetic Yorkshire Terrier got in on the the Christmas spirit with matching Christmas Jumpers :) I finally found one big enough for Randle! I managed to get a very cute photo of Randle in his and tried DESPERATELY to get an even cuter one of the two of them together but P.J has definitely gone down the 'grumpy old man' route and was having none of it so this was the best I could do :) ...still pretty cute tho!

There was generally lots of my favourite Christmas activity - relaxing around the tree with dogs and mulled cider listening to Christmas tunes and/or watching Home Alone, Elf, Fred Claus or The Santa Claus 

Before I knew it was Christmas eve and I spent the morning with my favourite Okeechobee people, celebrating the holidays with a trail ride!

 Joey's family are Italian and their main Christmas celebration is actually done on Christmas Eve and I had been invited to join them. Their tradition means his mum serving 7 types of fish, those who know me are probably thinking "uh oh" but don't worry, it was more shellfish, so shrimp, lobster and calamari so I was fine :). Obviously I couldn't show up empty handed so I made my favourite dessert - Carrot Cake! (`Thanks Hummingbird recipe book!)

I received some lovely gifts from Joeys family and I know you shouldn't have favourites, just be grateful etc etc BUT his sister Kristen and her husband Tommy got me an AMAZING gift... a cushion...doesn't sound all that special but wait for it.....WITH RANDLE'S PICTURE ON!!! 

So so so cute!....somehow it has managed to stay at Joe's house but I'll be rectifying that situation ASAP!

After lots of food and a late night we got up early and headed to the ranch so Joey could experience his first English Christmas! Not only was it me and my parents, they also had 2 of their oldest friends, Julie and Graham visiting from home, plus the ranch's dog trainer, who is also English so it is safe to say poor Joey was well and truly outnumbered! To make him feel a little bit more at home amongst the Christmas pudding and Christmas crackers (apparently that is very much an English thing) I attempted to bake my first ever pumpkin pie! He tells me it was perfect but I have a funny feeling he was just being nice - I think it's gross homemade or not so I have no idea if he was being honest, it looked pretty though!

Joey was given the full experience, being made to pull a cracker, wear the stupid paper hat and tell the terrible joke....he loved it!

I got some really amazing gifts, I was very very spoilt. Mum and Dad got me much needed new running shoes...look how pretty and turquoise they are!

Continuing on the footwear front (we all know of my love of shoes) Joey got me bright red converse! Just what every 31 year old woman needs :)

But he really out did himself with one of his presents.....he got me a clutch made of LEGO!! It works and everything...not only that but it is made to the pattern of a Mondrian painting!

The evening was spent trying to get out of a food coma, Joey being introduced and falling in love with Chateau Neuf Du Pap red wine, flying Dad's new drone, swimming in the pool and playing cards - a very lovely time indeed. 

And that was it, as usual it was over in a blur. But don't worry that's not the end.  I still had another 10 days of holiday. I spent one day with Jessie being taught how to body clip a horse....it's very itchy!

This was our lovely client...Bubba

Another of the days was spent taking Julie and Graham out on their first ever boat trip! We did mine and Joey's usual thing of drinking beer whilst driving the boat down the inter coastal and then stopping for lunch on the water and then driving the boat back. Unfortunately we didn't have the best weather but it was still a fun afternoon. Mum and Julie were definitely enjoying themselves and Dad was Manatee spotting.

To continue the boat theme, a few days later we went full Florida tourist and took an air boat ride on the swamps around Lake Okeechobee. I was amazed at how smooth and fast it was!

It was really pretty too.

A few days later it was New Years Eve and time to celebrate again! Joey and I went to the ranch, Julie and Graham were still there and mum and dad invited a couple of friends over, there was great food, many drinks and lots of laughs. The quote of the evening award having to go to Nick the dog trainer, asking Ornan the horse trainer in all seriousness "What time does your horse get up in the morning?"

It was a a lovely way to see in 2016 and I have to say a much happier and positive one than last year

After that it was wind-down and kind of back to reality time...if you can count doing your thesis reading in a hammock in the sunshine reality!

I took Randle back to the Ranch for the last couple of days so he could make the most of his freedom there.

And then that was it,  it was time for us to head back to Gainesville for my LAST semester, teaching a new class of beginners and attempting to graduate. 

Well, I think that is enough for now, I'll back in February with stories of the first month of the Spring semester and a report back from mine and Joey's trip to Colorado that we are taking at the end of the month - EEK!

Over and out,

Ta ta for now,

Love & Slobbers

Me and him


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