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Spring in your step

 Ok ok , I know, I’ve been slacking on the blog front – I’m SORRRRRRY. 
I’m going to attempt to make it up to you by making this a killer entry! (I read the last one back to myself and boy I really was hungover - it was terrible!)

Ok so where to start......well it is now March and the new semester is practically disappearing before my very eyes! In 2 months my first academic year here will be over - how crazy is that?!

February was a fun packed month so bare with me!

First of all it saw the start of the 6 Nations so that has involved me irritating all my American friends with random Rugby talk and desperately trying to find ways to watch the games, so far I managed it pretty well, it has included visiting a 'British Pub' in a little place called High Springs just outside of Gainesville, convincing the BBC my laptop is most certainly in England and streaming the game live, and going all the way to Santa Monica in California and visiting another 'British Pub'. 

Cassandra and I did a bit more Geeking out and got to meet Sue - the most complete T-Rex skeleton in the world, not bad for a small town like Gainesville huh? 

I'm guessing it didn't escape anyone's notice that February also sees the most sickening of 'holidays' - Valentines day - idk! I thought it was bad at home, it is seriously NOTHING compared to state side, it is RIDICULOUS, even for those of you not as cynical as me would've felt like vomiting. The school kids even have valentines parties at school. I must admit my heart of stone did melt just a tiny bit when my neighbour and her 3 year old son, Kaz, knocked on my door and handed me this....

When I first moved in he wouldn't say a word to me and would hide from Randle, now if he sees us and isn't allowed to come say hi all hell breaks loose! :)

Randle is doing even better than that, he's been spending a lot more time with his little lady friend, Lucy.

They make quite a pair right?

He has been getting on well with big brother duty too, although as usual he doesn't look too pleased about it.

Whilst Randle has been hanging out with his buddies I've been spending a lot of time with their owner, Crystal and her 2 kids, Seth and Kendal.

As usual at this time of year I got bored with my appearance so Crystal gave me hand to mix things up a little bit....well, let's say mix things up a lot :) - we gave me what we like to call the "my little pony treatment"

I was due to dog sit for Lucy and Dash while Crystal and the kids went to visit family in Minnesota, unluckily for them there was issues with their flights so they didn't get to go so we made the most of the weekend and had some fun days out.

We went to a state park in St Augustine, it boast the Fountain of Youth and had examples of early settlements, it was even better because it was dog friendly so the whole family got to go!

I think we've officially been adopted! :)

The next day we headed for the park as the sun was shining, on the way we stopped for Popsicles (ice lollies to you lot) from a shop called Hyppo, it makes amazing flavours from all natural ingredients, mine was avocado and coconut - it was soon good - even Randle wanted in on the action!

Wow February really was busy - not only did we do all this we also got to spend a long weekend with my brother, James. He came to visit my parents down in OKeechobee so Randle and I headed down there. We got a couple of days  on the Ranch where we went full country, we went clay shooting, then James and I decided to do a little swap, he gave horse riding a go and I tried fly fishing!

He doesn't look too convinced does he?

Obviously I showed James how it was done by catching the biggest fish in the world! 

This was fun but the main purpose of the visit was to go to Universal Studios! 

I was on a roller-coaster by 10 am on a Tuesday - it was brilliant! I've been before but this time I had someone with me who wanted to go no the rides, it is safe to say James and I made the most of our day, I think we went on EVERYTHING! What made it EVEN better was my lovely dad bought us tickets for both parts so we got to enjoy the brand new Harry Potter park and take the Hogwarts Express from one park to the other, my inner geek thought she'd died and gone to heaven!

Unfortunately February wasn't all good, my friends and I went to a fund raising event for the local rugby team and my wallet went missing, it was a Christmas present from my parents, I had lots of cash in it from ticket sales and cards etc so I was pretty down about it. Luckily for me I have some lovely friends who came to my rescue, my brilliant roommate made me breakfast, my adopted family had me over for dinner and one of my fellow TA's dragged me away from my pity party to go Kayaking on Lake Walberg - I never knew Kayaking was good for a hangover! You really do learn something new everyday :) 

the last few days of Feb saw the start of Spring Break, yes, the one you've all heard of and no I didn't go to Mexico and flash my boobs on TV- sorry to disappoint :) 
Instead I went to California! I'm lucky enough to have an old work friend with a free sofa who lives in Santa Monica, LA. I got see Malibu, Venice Beach, Beverly Hills, Hollywood and lots of other amazing sights. We also went to San Diego which I totally fell in love with. There was actually people dressed well, there was public transport and best of you hundreds of museums and galleries! My favourite was the San Diego Museum of Photographic Arts, it was small but really well done and maintained, I loved it. I'd love to say that was the highlight of my trip but if I'm totally honest, the highlight was finding a restaurant that sold one of my favourite English Ciders! Back in England I would drink this at least once a week and since July 27th I've had NONE! That is quite a cold turkey I've got to admit!

 From California I went back to Gainesville for a total of 13 hrs, enough time to repack my bag, sleep and grab the dog then we set off to the Ranch to spend the last few days of spring break getting all country. As usual we both had an AMAZING time. I got a fair bit of riding in and I got to work cattle with my favourite people and obviously Randle got to eat copious amounts of steak and pretend to be a proper non-pampered country dog.


I'm going to leave it there for now as I have bombarded you for long enough. I'll fill you in on spring break a little bit more next time. Oh but before I go - I finally found some new postbox porn, to those of you who have become quite fond of it I apologise for how sparse it has been lately!

Hope you are all well and that Spring is in the air where you are. 

Miss you all as always

Love and slobber

me and him


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