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Falling for Fall

Tag Alle!

Fall has come to Gainesville! (Autumn to those of you who don't speak American) 
This basically means you can go outside and still breath - Hooray :) Most days are around 25 degrees, beautiful clear blue skies and if you're especially luckily a little breeze, it really is lovely and I can understand why locals kept telling me the Fall weather is the reason they stay in Florida. Due to the weather cooling down the Chop Monster has been allowed out and about a bit more which he loves. He has been making a lot of friends, including his very own member of the Gainesville PD!

She loved him so much she asked to take his picture and I said only if she returned the favour for this blog! :) After this he finally got to come to my new favourite hang out - Maudes Classic Cafe, it's my Cherry Reds substitute!

We seemed to have spent a lot of time in nature the last few weeks which has definitely cheered me up no end. 

After Maudes our friend Jasmin took us to a huge park. Jasmin says she doesn't really like dogs but Randle is trying to work his magic on her...

after all....who wouldn't love this face....

We recently went out to Paines Prarie, apparently you can usually see 'gators, bison and wild horses....all we saw was this guy....

Near Paines Prarie is a cute little historic town called Micanopy. In 1821, the newly constructed hamlet of Micanopy became the first distinct United States town in the Florida Territory. So to Americans it's mega old! It is very small but has some AMAZING houses and possibly the cutest coffeshop/bakery I've ever seen!

This place is called the Moss Bakery and I purchased myself something called a Hello Dolly, it's basically the most amazing thing on earth....a cookie bar base, with a topping made of coconut, dark chocolate, pecans and a graham cracker crust...heaven!

So October is Gainesville is important due to the fact it is Homecoming. I ended up asking what this actually was in one of my classes and it is basically  a weekend where all the alumni come back into town for a football game and to party. There is also a parade! Can you imagine?? Kinda makes Anglia Cup Old boys look a bit lame...

So we went to check out the parade, Randle got to come too! It was pretty weird to be honest, lots of official looking people in soft top cars with fake smiles plaster on their faces (along with a whole load of make-up) and lots of random floats including one for the local laundrette?! Of course the cheer leaders and the all important football team made an appearance....riding a Fire Engine and a Dumptruck obviously!

There was also a guy riding a bike shaped like an Aligator....apparently he's a local celebrity because of this.....Americans really are WEIRD!

I've already sat through one football game so didn't feel the need to do this again, even though it was Homecoming - I don't think I'm doing so well at being a Florida Gator but hey-ho! So instead of sitting in a sweltering stadium and paying $7 for a coke my roommate and I went out to Lake Walhberg. This lake has been cleared so you can't become Gator-bait and is now a facility for UF students. If you have a student ID you can rent Kayaks, paddle boats and paddle boards all for free, you can even take sailing lessons. There is also docs to jump off into the water. Not bad eh?

 Cassandra and I settled on a paddle boat (mainly because we are lazy) and set off to check out the shoreline and see what was happening. It turns out people actually live on the edges of the lake, the houses were just breath taking! Talk about how the other half live!!

 This one to the right as you look at the screen was my personal fave! The picture isn't all that clear but the entire house is pretty much glass so you can see the view from everywhere, they have a private jetty and if you look closely they even have a little sun house. I wonder if whoever owns it has a son who's in line to inherit...?

 Other than homecoming there is another important event in October and that of course is Halloween! Pretty much everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) is pumpkin flavoured and decorated in fall colours. They take it very seriously it seems! This is the front of a local fresh produce supermarket!....

Even the post boxes are getting in on it!
Talking of postboxes, after it being a little bit quiet on that front I seem to have stumbled across quite a few later, I know you've all been waiting with baited breath so I present to you more 'Postbox Porn'!

 Wasn't that just lovely :0)

Well in all honesty I should probably disappear now and actually go plan some German lessons....I can't just play them random dance songs every lesson even if it does illustrate a grammar rule exceptionally well....

Love & Slobber


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