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Don't go chasing waterfalls....or waffle houses

So I really do need to open this post with an apology....a month since I last updated you all, I'm very sorry! I won't bother boring you will the usual excuses, uni work etc etc and instead dive straight in with what we've been up to over November and I'll try my best not rub in the fact it's about 20 degrees and sunny most days.....

Ahem, anyway so yes, November, what have we been doing...

Well the major thing was my housemate, Cassandra and I, made the most of the Thanksgiving holiday by going on a road trip! For those of you who haven't watched enough Friends, Thanksgiving is the holiday where Americans bascially have a huge practice Christmas dinner to honour a day of peace between the pilgrims and the Indians....before they slaughtered them and stole their lands....or so I was told. We, however, descide to ditch tradtion and instead drove up to the Mountians in Georgia and our Thanksgiving feast featured drinking a PBR on the top of Springer Mountain :)....
who needs turkey??

We went to the mountains to visit the Amicalola  Falls, part of the Appalachian Trail, apparently Bill Bryson has written a book about his years of wandering this trail. It's a beautiful trail and if you like hiking the book and the trail are worth checking out. They actually have bears there, unfortunately we did not see any:( ...just slightly over enthusiastic hikers.

The trip started off so well, we managed to build a fire, eat smores (sorry if I've spelt this wrong!) whilst listening to the Mighty Boosh and drinking rum but unfortunately we ran into a bit of bad luck the next day after we'd hiked the mountain,  we had a flat tyre! Luckily Cassandra is well practised at changing them so we were soon on our way, bound for Charleston in South Carolina. We of course did the tradtional American thing of staying in a terrible motel...we went so low as a motel 6 and I'm pretty sure there was a guy checking in with his hooker just before us - nice! anyhoo,  things then got worse when we tried to leave in the morning and 2 more of the tyres were flat, they looked like they'd been slashed!!  But don't worry, we didn't let it get us down. We managed to visit one of the 11, yes 11, Waffle Houses we'd seen in a space of about 30 miles.

  It def helped diffuse our terrbible morning but I'm going to say something possibly controversial and say I prefer iHop - sorry Justin!  It's a good job we had some good sustenance because we then had to spend 3 HOURS!! at tyre kingdon getting the car sorted. As you can see we weren't best pleased.....

Have no fear, things were soon back on track, I even got chance to get out and get a snap with this beauty!
Aparently the Georgia mascot is a Bulldog! I think I live in the wrong state!

Before we knew it (with the help of lots of coffee, crazy 80's hip hop radio mixes and Macdonalds)  we'd made it to Charleston. It's such a great city! Literally as soon as we arrived we saw this sign and I knew I was going to like the place....
We spent the first afternoon making the most of being somewhere where they have shops worth looking in (sorry Gainesville) and then we headed back to our hostel, possibly one of the nicest hostels I've ever stayed in and as you know I've got a lot to compare it with! it was in a proper old southern style house, slopping wooden floors, porch swings and all! I could get used to the southern way of life me thinks....

That night we went out to do what apparently you are supposed to do whilst in Charleston and that is check out the local food. We got directed to this little restaurant that sells traditional southern cooking, it looked like your grandmas living room, so cute! The food was AMAZING!! we went full southern and had Shrimp 'n' grits, mac 'n' cheese, high rise biscuit and collard greens, it was so good. I don't think I've ever felt that full!

 Don't panic though, we still managed to get some drinking in!  

The next day we only had a few hours so we got up early, stopped at one of the many local bakeries/cafes for great cup of coffee and a mini donut muffin (yes, that's a thing, a very good thing!) and had a wander around the waterfront and the french quarter. It's just so pretty. the weather was a little chilly but bright blue skies and all this beautiful candy coloured architecture. I definitely think I moved to the wrong state....I wonder how easy it would be to transfer to Uni of South Carolina.....

From there we then drove on and stopped in pretty Savannah, at lots of amazing pralines and then headed back to Gainesville.

Things in Gainesville aren't too bad, I've just finished my first semester, how crazy is that? It has gone so quickly! I officially survived my first semester as a teacher which is cool, a few of my students will be staying on next semester for German 2 but I'll have new ones too, yet another challenge as it will be a lot harder material I have to teach! I'm looking forward to it though, least my German will improve :)

I finally got to go out with the local running club which was great fun, especially when we stumbled across this fella.....

Not surpringly we decided to turn back rather than try and sneak past him!

It turns out one of my neighbours plays rugby and obviously I admitted to being a huge rugby fan so he invited me along to watch them play. I'm going to admit, I was dubious but they were actually pretty good! So that was a nice taste of home plus spending an afternoon watching huge guys in shorts is never a wasted one in my book.
The last month has also seen me receive two lovely lovely packages from home, they defo helped with the lack of decent chocolate here (sorry America but it really is terrible! - you make great ice tea though!) So thank you Jon for my super posh dark chocolate and the obligatory book reminding me of beautiful Cambridge, possibly the best place I've ever lived! :)  And thanks to Molly and Ursula for easing my wotsits withdrawal - you guys are the best, it's very nice to know I've not been forgotten!

I suppose really I should give you all what you're really here for, an update on the man himself.  He's doing well, much happier now the temperature has dropped, it's nice a cool in the mornings which he loves, we even had a little frost the other day.....
He loved it!

He's been making his presence known amongst my friends

and has become obsessed with rolling in the grass....


And this morning things got even better for him.... he got himself a lady friend! Her name is Lucy and she is a Scott American Bulldog, she's 3 years older than him, it's ok though, he told me older women are where it's at.

Oh and all this road tripping and the temperature dropping meaning I can wander around a bit more has meant.....ready.....MORE POST BOX PORN! Yay! I know you've all missed it and have been waiting with baited breath! So here are the latest one's in the collection, I'm very happy with these ones I must say.

Oh yeah, there was one thing I wanted to tell you all about. I recently got involved in a photo journalism project with a Dutch international student called Leoni. It was about culture shock and involved Leoni interviewing me and following me around for a few days taking picutures to illustrate the things I talked about. She did a really great job and if you guys are bored and miss my dulcet tones then might be worth a little watch.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxMt4hgFqjw&feature=youtu.be

I'm told (mostly by facebook) that Christmas is just around the corner, it's a very difficult idea to grasp when it's still hot and sunny where you are so I've kind of been ignoring it this year.  I hope you all have some nice plans for it. I'm off down to Okeechobee next week to help the cowboys round up the cattle on horseback.....excited is just too understated a word for this event! So yeah, expect the next post to be mainly raving about that experience! :)

If you don't hear from me before have a very merry Christmas and a Happy new year. For me seeing the end of 2014 can only be a good thing!

The usual love and Slobs

me and the boy


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Family, Fest, Foosball and a Funnel Cake

Hello everyone,

I know, I know, it's been AGES since my last post....sorry about that, time just seems to have gotten away from me. I'm currently supposed to be writing a first draft of an essay on Tim Burton and the influence of German film and literature on his work....suffice to say, I thought writing my blog would be a little bit more fun and a huge bit of procrastination....I mean, I've got to write it haven't I, I have people counting on me! :)

Unfortunately it's been a while so this is probably going to be a bit of a mammoth post...I don't even know where to start! 

Ohhhhh ok, now I know. My family came to Flordia! well, half of it anyway! My sister, her partner and my two nieces, Jess and Nell, came out last month. It was great to see them, especially considering we went to Disneyworld!! Finally! I've wanted to go to the real deal Florida Disney since I was like, what, 5?!?

So yeah, as you can see from the look on my face, I was pretty happy to be there...and with my 2 favourite humans too! Doesn't get much better than that.

we had a great day, even getting my Mum and Dad to go on a few rides :) 

Other than Disneyland we basically spent the entire time in the pool, Jess really made the most of it before she had to go back to rainy Scotland!

Nell seemed to enjoy herself too! We certainly are a family of water-babies. 

Jess also got to meet and ride my special friend the Colonel! She had her first western style riding lesson and seemed to love every minute of i. Ornan thinks she's a natural.


I'm not going to lie, I was very sad to see them go, it's going to be a long time before I see them again :( 

The end of October and the start of Novemeber has seemed to have presented me with some full on American experiences. 1st of all - Halloween! We grow up in England seeing images of how much Americans celebrate Halloween, we all remember watching Hocus Pocus and wishing our trick or treating was more like that. We were lucky if any one actually opened their doors, let alone gave you anything you'd actually want to eat! Well I can say, in Gainesville it's not quite as crazy as we would expect BUT when they do celebrate it, they definitely go ALL out. Luckily for me I didn't have to search out a celebration, Madeline had decided to throw a party, which was great. She went all out with spooky themed food and drinks. There was a pumpkin puking guacamole, a cheese ball made to look like a pumpkin and punch with eye balls floating in it just to mention a few. Oh and she even had dry ice coming out of the carved pumpkins around the house! 
I contributed with some bat shaped shortbread....

As well as the amazing decor, the costumes were GREAT. I stayed within the fancy dress law as set down by my very good friend Miss Annie Loftus and did not partake in sexy fancy dress, in fact, I went as a man....not only a man....a deranged, make-up clad man. 

It's scarily convincing don't you think?? At least I didn't need to worry about getting hit on! :)  Oh and that is Madeline in her fantastic Skeleton costume! She did the make up herself, looks good right?!

Along with us there was Angel, the broken doll. again all self applied make-up, no professionals in sight! Who needs em!
And her boyfriend Seth as the Lipstick-Face Demon from Insidious - creepy or WHAT!
pretty impressive bunch right?

Oh and as well as the brilliant costumes, they were actually playing beer pong too! - that's right folks, it's not just in the films and they do have those red cups! (although in-keeping with Madeline's epic decorating skills the cups were orange and green for the party)
Halloween weekend was a pretty spectacular one if I'm honest, as well as the Halloween party, Gainesville was hosting it's annual Punk and alternative music festival. Yes that's right folks, I moved to a town where they have a whole weekend dedicated to my kinda music. As you can imagine it was a lot of fun. It was also slightly surreal as the temperature dropped to 12 degrees and there were bearded at heavily tattooed guys in black skinny jeans everywhere....I felt like I'd woken up and someone had flown me home to Birmingham! 

As well as oggling the guys I got to see some great bands, my roommate Cassandra has a friend who owns a local restaurant who's roof over looks one of the venues, so as well as great bands, I got a great view! (unusual at a festival for someone who's 5ft 2"!)
That surprisingly was not the best part of the weekend. That honour goes to finally getting to see a band I love, the Melvins.! After missing out on seeing them repeatedly in the last few years for various reasons and then being unable to get a ticket for them that weekend, I stood outside the venue like a little loser listening through the door. The doorman took pity on me and let me in for free for the last 1/2 an hour. I was SO happy! :) And they were worth the wait, i can tell you!

So I should probably update you on the man himself. He's pretty much the same as usual. He seemed to enjoy Halloween....once he got used to all the decorations and stopped barking at them that is....


Do you remember the rubber duck incident? Well every time we went to the pool area he would 1/2 play 1/2 hide from the ducks, then, shock horror, the other day, the ducks were gone :( Soooo me being me, I made a trip to Walmart and bought him his very own duck :) And I can tell you all this...it was the best 98 cents I've ever spent! He LOVES it! all his other toys he will only play with them with me and eventually they get broken, this duck is still completely as new and he plays with it alone for ages! SO RANDOM....it get's even more random....when he's had enough and lays down and sucks the ducks head like a dummy!...He just gets weirder and weirder.....

We've both been spending a bit more time with my roommate and she's been taking us to nice places to dog walk. We went out to a trail the other day. It's so flat out here you get some amazing views of the sunset.

Unfortunately for Randle he has to stay on a lead on this trail, normally I just ignore the ridiculous American rules but this time I stick to it.....there's some pretty scary company on this walk......

Last weekend saw the Gainesville Art Festival. I went along with Natalie, Cassandra and my fellow German TA, Larrissa. There were lots of stalls selling art work and crafts, again making me feel like I'd gone back to Birmingham! I was instructed by Natalie and Cassandra that I had to take part in an American institution.....that being, eat a funnel cake. It's basically deep fried dough covered in icing sugar....similar to our fun fair donuts. It was pretty darn good.

That evening I went out and took part in some more Americanisms - I played Foosball....and won! Man that game is frustrating! I think there would be violence if we had them in our bars! :)

Unfortunately I have been unable to find any postbox porn recently, hopefully I'll go somewhere new soon and find some more for you all. 

Well I think that's about it for now. I probably won't post for a while as I have two 5000 word essays to write so I'm going to be pretty much chained to my room :( sad times!

Hope you are all well and coping with the coming cold weather. it's very weird being here in 25 degree heat and seeing everyone preparing for Christmas! If you want to escape the cold you know where to find us, we'd love to have you!

Love & Slobber

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Falling for Fall

Tag Alle!

Fall has come to Gainesville! (Autumn to those of you who don't speak American) 
This basically means you can go outside and still breath - Hooray :) Most days are around 25 degrees, beautiful clear blue skies and if you're especially luckily a little breeze, it really is lovely and I can understand why locals kept telling me the Fall weather is the reason they stay in Florida. Due to the weather cooling down the Chop Monster has been allowed out and about a bit more which he loves. He has been making a lot of friends, including his very own member of the Gainesville PD!

She loved him so much she asked to take his picture and I said only if she returned the favour for this blog! :) After this he finally got to come to my new favourite hang out - Maudes Classic Cafe, it's my Cherry Reds substitute!

We seemed to have spent a lot of time in nature the last few weeks which has definitely cheered me up no end. 

After Maudes our friend Jasmin took us to a huge park. Jasmin says she doesn't really like dogs but Randle is trying to work his magic on her...

after all....who wouldn't love this face....

We recently went out to Paines Prarie, apparently you can usually see 'gators, bison and wild horses....all we saw was this guy....

Near Paines Prarie is a cute little historic town called Micanopy. In 1821, the newly constructed hamlet of Micanopy became the first distinct United States town in the Florida Territory. So to Americans it's mega old! It is very small but has some AMAZING houses and possibly the cutest coffeshop/bakery I've ever seen!

This place is called the Moss Bakery and I purchased myself something called a Hello Dolly, it's basically the most amazing thing on earth....a cookie bar base, with a topping made of coconut, dark chocolate, pecans and a graham cracker crust...heaven!

So October is Gainesville is important due to the fact it is Homecoming. I ended up asking what this actually was in one of my classes and it is basically  a weekend where all the alumni come back into town for a football game and to party. There is also a parade! Can you imagine?? Kinda makes Anglia Cup Old boys look a bit lame...

So we went to check out the parade, Randle got to come too! It was pretty weird to be honest, lots of official looking people in soft top cars with fake smiles plaster on their faces (along with a whole load of make-up) and lots of random floats including one for the local laundrette?! Of course the cheer leaders and the all important football team made an appearance....riding a Fire Engine and a Dumptruck obviously!

There was also a guy riding a bike shaped like an Aligator....apparently he's a local celebrity because of this.....Americans really are WEIRD!

I've already sat through one football game so didn't feel the need to do this again, even though it was Homecoming - I don't think I'm doing so well at being a Florida Gator but hey-ho! So instead of sitting in a sweltering stadium and paying $7 for a coke my roommate and I went out to Lake Walhberg. This lake has been cleared so you can't become Gator-bait and is now a facility for UF students. If you have a student ID you can rent Kayaks, paddle boats and paddle boards all for free, you can even take sailing lessons. There is also docs to jump off into the water. Not bad eh?

 Cassandra and I settled on a paddle boat (mainly because we are lazy) and set off to check out the shoreline and see what was happening. It turns out people actually live on the edges of the lake, the houses were just breath taking! Talk about how the other half live!!

 This one to the right as you look at the screen was my personal fave! The picture isn't all that clear but the entire house is pretty much glass so you can see the view from everywhere, they have a private jetty and if you look closely they even have a little sun house. I wonder if whoever owns it has a son who's in line to inherit...?

 Other than homecoming there is another important event in October and that of course is Halloween! Pretty much everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) is pumpkin flavoured and decorated in fall colours. They take it very seriously it seems! This is the front of a local fresh produce supermarket!....

Even the post boxes are getting in on it!
Talking of postboxes, after it being a little bit quiet on that front I seem to have stumbled across quite a few later, I know you've all been waiting with baited breath so I present to you more 'Postbox Porn'!

 Wasn't that just lovely :0)

Well in all honesty I should probably disappear now and actually go plan some German lessons....I can't just play them random dance songs every lesson even if it does illustrate a grammar rule exceptionally well....

Love & Slobber


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