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Moving on over to the other side

Welcome friends to what will likely be my last post on randlestateside.blogspot.com!

but never fear I'm still going to be irritating you all it will just be in a different location, details will follow at the end of this post. 

So I sat down thinking this would be a quick, relatively uneventful blogpost compared to what seemed a relatively packed and emotion filled one last time but after uploading the photos from May and June I soon realised I seem to pack quite a lot in in the space of 5-6 weeks! 

I left off having graduated and said goodbye to my Gainesville home and telling you all that the next step was to head off in the Airstream with Joe and the dogs. Well that is still the case but there was much to be done before that could start, plus I need to wait until July for my working visa to kick in. After leaving Gainesville I set up camp back at the ranch, a place as you all know, Randle and I love! 

We were both very happy to be back! Randle especially as Roger has come to stay for the summer so they were reunited!

although he doesn't look particularly pleased in this picture...
Our first weekend back was spent out on the lake with my parents on their shiny new boat. We went out on Lake Okeechobee, one of the largest fresh water lakes on the planet! Unfortunately it is hugely infested by alligators so no swimming, despite that it's still really beautiful. 

To keep me entertained whilst looking for a job and waiting for my visa I was charged with building a website promoting the ranch and what is done there. Mainly this means driving or riding around taking photos - not bad work if you can get it ;)

Shortly after getting back from Gainesville it was my birthday and as you probably saw on Facebook I was massively surprised/spoilt by Joe. 

This was how my day began....

And this is what happened....

I've done some pretty cool stuff in my life but this has to be up there with one of the most exhilarating and something I could definitely get addicted to! 

After this we needed some time to come down from the rush and then spent the evening on the beach drinking a smuggled in bottle of my favourite bottles of cider from England followed by a trip to my favourite sushi restaurant - all in all a gooooood day :) 

The next day we had a little gathering at my parents house with Joey, Jessie, Ornan and Deborah and then my parents new friends, Robin and Rachel. I made Gin and Tonic ice lollies! and my lovely mum, despite being ill, made this amazing looking cake, unfortunately I can't report on how it tasted as my dad thought it was a squishy cake and decided it would be funny to hit me in the face with it but instead of me sinking into it, it bounced off and hit the floor - it was a heartbreaking sight to behold! 


There has been lots of other stuff to keep me busy. We had a lovely visit from some Gainesville, faves, Dave and Katie. 

We went on a very windy jeep ride, ate tacos at the best taco place on the treasure coast and then went and played the longest ever game of jenga at an open air bar!

We had a new litter of puppies on the ranch so as always I've spent as much time with them as possible, this time it was 5, all black puppies and as always they are all cute as buttons. 

As usual I do have a favourite though - at first I called him Meatball as he was by far the fattest in the litter, later though I changed it to Pedro as he looks like he has half a mustache! 

Randle has been enjoying himself immensely. Hanging out on the ranch, getting fed steak by my mum and going on jeep rides! 

As we will be leaving Florida soon Joe and I have been trying to make the most of our surroundings before we don't have it on our back doorstep so there has been some lovely evenings spent on the beach (it is waaaayyyy to hot to go in the daytime.)

Randle loves getting to run around on the sand and swimming in the sea with us. 

Despite all this I still managed to squeeze in some dress making. I totally fell in love with the 60's mini dress style of the dress I wore to my graduation so I made this one in honour of that. 

Last Sunday I worked cows for one last time....hopefully not ever but perhaps for some time :(

I've been on many a excruciatingly hot run - It's safe to say my runs are now much shorter and much slower, hopefully that doesn't mean I am much less fit than I was! I honestly think I deserve a medal for training in this! Some mornings it has been 92% humidity at 7am! - GROSS

I needed a break from this one morning and got it in the form of going roller blading with Jessie!! 
It is the first time I've been since I was like 15 - Amazingly I managed the whole thing (about 2 miles) without falling over! Jessie put me to shame with her skills but was lots and lots of fun!

It's not just me learning new skills, Joe wrote a News Years Resolution list  and on it was "Ride a horse" so I decided it was time and with Jessie's help we did just that! He did really well! And like everyone else fell completely in love with A.J

Don't worry though, it hasn't been all fun and games. I've been desperately trying and failing to get a remote job (virtual teaching mainly) to finance my trip and the main thing that has been taking up all my time is working on the airstream. Joe bought one in Arizona and whilst she was in perfect condition and so beautiful on the outside she was your usual sea of brown oak, floor and cabinets, inside - it even had curtain pelmets (valances to my american buddies)- PELMETS??? it's 2016?!? it basically looked like a bucket of friend chicken wrapped in scabby old blue fabric - YUCK. So despite concerns we decided to go all out and renovate the whole thing! 

It's very hot in Florida right now and an Airstream is essentially a metal tube so as you can image the heat is CRAZY. There has literally be blood, sweat and tears but yesterday we finally finished her! 


 And that is it! We are packing her up and heading off on Thursday. 

So byeeeee....

haha not really, I know you are probably all like  "whaatttt, wait, what does it look like inside now, where are you going etc etc" Well never fear, that is where my new blog comes in. My first post will be a detailed account of the battles we suffered to take her (The Airstream is a girl) from what she was into what she is now - our new home on wheels!  Give me a few days and you will get the full account. 

The new blog can be found at www.campeatcompete.com, I'll let you all know when there is a post to read. I hope you will check it out and stick with me, following us on our journey, seeing Randle be grumpy in some of the most beautiful places on earth and learning how to be real gypsies. 

In the mean time here is a little post box porn I managed to find a few weeks ago (I'm hoping to find some great ones on the road)

So this is us signing over to our new space - thank you for having followed us for the last 2 years, it has meant a lot! 

Love and Slobbers

Me and Him


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So long, farewell, aufwiedersehen, goodbye

Well that's all folks....

wait, wait, there is much to tell you all....

So I left you having just passed my MA exam, celebrated Joe's birthday and awaiting the arrival of my friends Laura and Ellie from home and my graduation ceremony. First off I'm going to update you on the thing all you all care most about - the adventures of the slobbery one. So on the 16th of April Mr Randle P. McMurphy turned 5! He's a real deal grown-up now :) I can't believe it, now that is a time that has flown by, we've been together since he was 6 weeks old and now he's 5. CRAZY!  

We celebrated his birthday in style. He had a cake made of beef and gravy covered in crispy bacon strips and surrounded by his favourite treats. He received a new tug toy and kong from me and Joe ordered him a new collar that hadn't arrived yet, hopefully once he does he will be looking dapper! In the afternoon we then took him for a nice long walk at Kannapahah park, which he loves. 

Unfortunately for me it was time to say goodbye to the boy because he was off to stay with Joe and my parents for 2 weeks as I was off to New Orleans! WHOOP! 

So Laura and Ellie arrived on the 21st of April and the next day we collected our hire car and Jordin and set off to The Big Easy. 

To say we were excited would be a slight understatement. 

Along the way we stopped off in Destin, FL for a spot of lunch by the water, giving the girls chance to get a taste of Florida life, bit different to a lunchtime in Birmingham that's for sure!

From there it was a race to get to our accommodation in time as we were using Air B'n'B and the guy was very particular about not coming out late at night, we assumed this was because he was an older man and didn't like being out late, and although he was in fact in his late 60's, we had to assume the reluctance to come out late was so he could stay home drinking even more whiskey than he seemed to already have had! Luckily the place we stayed was lovely regardless of the alcohol content of the owner ;) Ellie did all of the organising for that part so have to say thanks to her for that, she found us a great place. 

Although we arrived about 9:30pm we were all pretty keen to get out and see the area around us so we ditched our bags and set off for a bar that Ellie had been recommended by a friend who used to live here. It was actually more a local bar and they were quite surprised and pleased to have some tourists in the house. We listened to a popular local band then decided to make our own entertainment with the Jukebox! What was supposed to just be a quiet couple of drinks turned quickly into a bit more than that...

Pic stolen from Laura

After a while Laura started to get tired of the music in the bar and we'd met a local guy called Dave (Laura was instantly in love and was busy trying to hatch a plan of how to marry him and stay in the USA) who told us of a hip-hop club we could go to down the street, he was on his bike but called an Uber for us and said to meet him there, our Uber driver, Sal, was having so much fun with us all when we got to the club he asked if he should park up and come party with us and Laura being Laura and thinking he was joking, replied "yeah sure!" so we jump out of the car and enter the dingiest little hole in the wall called The Saint

Pic stolen from Laura

We are at the bar when 5 minutes later I get a tap on the shoulder and turn around to see Sal the Uber driver!! He danced with us for about 1/2 an hour and then said "well, best get back to work, see ya" - totally random and a brilliant intro to NOLA! We ended up there until nearly 6am...so much for a quiet drink...

The next few days were mainly spent being full tourists, wandering around the various areas of the cities and eating  A LOT. 

It really is a beautiful city. 

We went to a little place called Millie Mae's which is really famous for its fried chicken, this is Laura's favourite meal so we had to go, it involved waiting in a really long queue in the baking sun but I can honestly say, it was worth it! AMAZING southern food - Chicken, Mac 'n' Cheese, fried Okra, the NOLA style bread pudding for dessert - I honestly felt like I wouldn't be able to stand up!

Pic stolen from Laura
We got to see the Mississippi River


And rode the street car

Continued my growing addiction to doughnuts with these bad boys...

On one of the days we took a little trip to the town of Lafitte so we could go see a swamp.

And I got to see my dream house

On our last night we decided to really up the tourist level and go on an arranged Ghost tour - it was cheesy as hell but brilliant all the same, we got to see some great local spots and meet some local legends....

After this we ended up going for drinks with our tour guide and his girlfriend, apparently that was the theme of our trip!

Before we knew it was time for Jordin and I to return to Gainesville (we both had end of semester responsibilities) and Laura and Ellie headed to Alabama for a night. 

One great thing about NOLA that I need to mention was that if gave me two new Post box porns - Hooray! 

Laura and Ellie returned to Gainesville on the Wednesday so they had some time to soak up the sights of Northern Florida. We went to Micanopy where we had some of the best coffee to be found in Florida, along with delicious brownies. 

We spent a very long time in an amazing little vintage shop there where I stumbled across the most beautiful little authentic 60's mini dress which I ended up just having to have, the plan was to wear it for graduation. After Micanopy we headed to Lake Wahlburg, a lake specially maintained for UF students, we got to lay in the sun, swim and Laura and I took a peddle boat out for while. Not a bad way to spend a Thursday. 

Friday morning was a little sad for me, I gave my last group of students at UF their final exam. They were such a lovely bunch and I very much enjoyed the last semester with them. We got a little group shot for me to remember them by.

After this the girls and I  again collected Jordin and set off to the springs, by far the best thing to see in Northern Florida. We had chosen Ichetucknee as you can walk to a spot and then float all the way down the river on a tube. 

As you can see, I was very happy about our activity choice! 

I have to say it was my favourite day of Laura and Ellie's trip, it was just so beautiful and peaceful. If any of you head to Florida any time it is definitely worth the drive north. 

On Saturday morning we hit the thrift stores, hunting out some bargains. I got some shoes to wear with my fancy new dress, Laura got some great gifts for people at home and for Ellie we went to a western store so she could get her boyfriend a proper cowboy shirt.

After that we headed home as I'd planned a little joint "my friends are here and I'm leaving soon" BBQ/pool party at my apartment complex. Lots of my lovely friends made the effort and came along with yummy food and I need to give a special shout out to the talented Dave Meehan and his lovely girlfriend Katie who decided to honour my heritage and made Pimms! 

Obviously we needed to respect my adopted culture and served it in a red cup :) 

We played stupid games in the pool and introduced Laura and Ellie to beer pong - turns out Laura is pretty bloody good!

serious pool games! 
looking good ladies!
Beer Pong Champs!

Sunday quickly arrived and after a very very late breakfast and a stroll on the prairie it was time for my graduation! That morning Laura had been kind enough to take some great graduation pictures of me and Randle and then Joe and I - I am absolutely in love with them - she did an amazing job!...oh and that's the dress I told you about! 

Joe also got a great shot for me 

But as great as they are, it has to be said, this is best picture of ALL TIME...

Good job Laura!

My parents arrived and we set off to the ceremony which was held in the Football Stadium, which I must admit is a pretty cool venue!

I think it's safe to assume I'm pleased!

I must admit after grabbing my diploma I snuck out of the ceremony - as great as the stadium is, it's outside in 35 degree heat wearing black robes...not somewhere you want to stick around.  

Once I'd escaped I got surprised with beautiful yellow roses by the boy :)

Then we headed for dinner where we caught up with Laura, Ellie and Jordin. Celebratory cocktails and stupid photobooth pics were had!

Joe left early Monday morning and after a pretty hectic 10 ten days the girls and I decided to have a chilled day by the pool, letting them soak up their last bit of sun before they had to leave on Tuesday. 

I was very sad to see them go, as was Randle, who had had his very best friend back for a little while 

After that it was all systems go on packing up my office and apartment and saying my goodbyes. The Wednesday night I spent with my original Gainesville crew, Madeline and Jasmine! Madeline was the very first person I met here and she introduced me to Jasmine,  and I think I may have left pretty quickly without these two! 

I went as Florida as possible for my last meal - Gator tail tacos with Margaritas served in a mason jar!

It was a great night and I know it won't be the last I see of these crazies! 

Thursday day time I spent with my saviour of the last 2 semesters - Miss, no no, now, Dr. Jordin Patten. As is our way we had donuts and coffee but as this was a special occasion we threw in some champagne. And as if the donuts gods knew it was our last donut eating date in Gainesville, we both got given a free one :) 

Joe was coming to pick us up the very next day which meant Thursday night was my last night. I decided to spend it in the same way I spent my first night out in Gainesville, at the language exchange at The Midnight!

And that was it, everything was packed, the apartment was cleaned and it was time for Randle to say his goodbyes to our apartment complex staff, especially Jen, who had fallen deeply in love with him and who often helped me out with walking him on her lunch break when I couldn't get home, she really was a gem and I'm very happy we got to meet her.  I know her and Randle will miss one another very much!

Luckily there was time for one last stop before we hit the road....my very favourite place in Gainesville...The Hyppo!! 

So it's time to say goodbye to Gainesville and my life as student, but it seems this isn't the end of the adventures for Randle and I. I told you last time that there was a next step in mind well....

As you've probably seen from the last few posts Joe and I have been spending a lot more time together and a month or so ago he asked me to join him on his own adventure...he has purchased an Airstream caravan and we are going to hit the roads of the USA, visiting as many of the national parks as we can, competing in half marathons and triathlons along the way and attempting to find as much good food as we can (my mission is to find my much missed Indian food). It seems all my parents jokes about me being a gypsy weren't actually that far off the mark!

Randle and PJ are coming with us and we will be keeping a new blog for you all to follow and see our adventures together as a foursome.  

My very good friend Jen Lou sent me this quote the day after my graduation, and really, it couldn't be more fitting...


Randle and I set out from Birmingham to Florida in search of a fresh start and a new life, and I think we all know it's been a bumpy road but I'm pretty pleased to say, I think we achieved something pretty special. So old friends and now new friends, I hope you'll stick with us and see where the future takes us.

Miss you all as always

Much much love and Slobber

Me and him


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