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Geek Out!

Well hello there people,

Welcome to February - is it me or is 2015 whizzing by already? Today I am so hungover I don't want to move so I thought, I know, I'll write my blog - I don't need to move to do that :)

Hope you are all keeping well. January has been a pretty good month really, considering it saw the start of the new semester and even more terribly boring courses than the last one!

The first weekend we were back in Gainesville, Cassandra and I decided we needed some culture so we spent the Saturday at the local museum where there was a collectors exhibit. It was a glorious display of the true meaning of 'geek'! There were semi-standard/normal collections such as stamps and start wars toys but then there were some spectacularly weird ones such as float pens - do any of you remember those? There was always someone at my school that had the naked lady one! 

Then there was a lady who had a huge array of spatulas and potato mashers - even some giant ones!

My personal favourite however, had to be the Pez Dispensers - so many great ones!

We soon realised to get any real culture we were going to have to leave Gainesville and take the show on the road so we did a mini road trip so went out to Jacksonville. Our first stop was the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens. It was a great gallery but the best parts were the gardens and then the children's interactive exhibit. 

look at my tiny hands!

We then made a stop at the Jacksonville Museum of Contempory Art. which unfortuntely was not quite so good but that was mainly because one floor was having it's exhibit closed. After this we went for a little wander around some of the nice districts, we found where the other half lives....check out the view from their gardens!

We also found a great comic book shop that made Cassandra very happy, I didn't mind it either but my reasons were a bit different to hers :) 

We really enjoyed Jacksonville so we will be taking a trip back there, preferably not on a Sunday when most things were closed - oops!

Other than that, with the help of a fellow student from one of my new classes and Larissa, we discovered a bit more of Gainesville, the nicest place was Noonans Lake, so beautiful! 

We also visited Majorie Kinnan House, which is a state park. The weather was amazing so we sat by the water for a while and were lucky enough to see a Bald Eagle dive down, grab an enormous fish out of the water and fly over our heads with it. It was stunning! Unfortunately I was too busy staring to get a pic so you'll just have to believe me that is happened :) 

I'm sure many of you have heard about the crazy blizzards covering the northern states of America and I know a lot of you at home are having snow, don't worry, Florida is not escaping it completely - it was 2 degrees the other day! My body didn't know what to do!

After the excesses of Christmas I'd decided to make January a healthy one, I've been running a lot and not drinking....well until 2 weeks ago when I forgot I'd signed Cassandra and myself up for a fund raising poker run with the local rugby team the Gainesville Hogs - we had a lot of fun, there was lots of beer and lots of beards so as you can imagine, I was happy! :)

Mr Randle Patrick McMurphy is his usual self, laying on the guilt trip whenever he wants something, look at this face, just because I wanted a lie in on a Sunday and he wanted to go out!

With the drop in the temperature he's been much happier, we get to walk a lot further at better times a day so he's been busy exploring and being a nosy neighbour when we go out and about. 

His dating life is also going well. Lucy seems to have made it clear who wears the trousers in their relationship. Starting as she means to go on I think. 

Randle being Randle, he doesn't seem to mind :)

Along with Lucy we've been spending more time with her little brother, Dash the sausage dog or in American - Weener dog. He's sooo cheeky! Randle and I are actually dog sitting him in a few weeks so I get him all to myself. My plan is to take him to class with me and everything! He's so tiny I can smuggle him in everywhere!

Randle has also discovered a new favourite game - tug of war with small chicldren. I'm not sure who was having more fun, Randle or Seth and Kendal. 

Next week my brother is coming to visit so we will be heading back down to Okeechobee, I am very excited and have been keeping my cowboy dreams alive by wearing my boots to teach in!

Right I think thats enough for now - I'm off to nurse my hangover by eating crips and watching Bones! 

Over and out till next month

Love and Slobs 

me and the boy 

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